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60cm Iwagumi


7 Nov 2007
So heres My next little project ....

Tank 60 x 30 x 30 opti white
Stand Tetra (AquaArt 60)

Filtration Eheim Prof II thermo 2226 established from another scape which I will be breaking down.
Lighting Arcadia luminaire 4 x 24 watt T5 (though I may well only use 2 bulbs)
Co2 pressurised JBL profi set 2 with 2 KG bottle
Diffusion Via internal reactor
Substrate Red Sea Flora base
Ferts TPN+

My 1st scape for this tank is An Iwagumi style aquarium using Ohko rocks AKA Dragon stone.
Ive not worked with it before but I love the texture and colour. Its not as shapely as mini landscape so a Chisel and a hammer have come in handy.

Im no expert in the rules of Iwagumi So am having to go with what what I feel looks right. Any help regarding rock placement etc is welcome.

This was my first attempt ......


And the current second attemp ....

Hi Planter,personally i like the first layout it moves from left to right quite nicely ,regards john.
The first one is my fave, like John says it flows nicely across the whole tank.
What plants are you thinking of for this one?

Regards Wayne,
cichlidsrgr8 said:
The first one is my fave, like John says it flows nicely across the whole tank.
What plants are you thinking of for this one?

Regards Wayne,

I was a bit worried with the first scape about the front four stones being in a line? with the second from left being very central ... Also the first scape uses 6 stones as opposed to the odd number used in the second scape ... like I said not up on the rules of Iwagumi but I was thinkg 3 or 5 stones is the way to go usually? Im not dead against making alterations at this point , Im all ears fellas !

Not asure what to do about plants yet im thinking I might do a HC only scape if I can get the rock placement right.
Im also thinking about some nice layered moss but this is not such a fast scape.
planter said:
I was a bit worried with the first scape about the front four stones being in a line? with the second from left being very central ... Also the first scape uses 6 stones as opposed to the odd number used in the second scape ... like I said not up on the rules of Iwagumi but I was thinkg 3 or 5 stones is the way to go usually? Im not dead against making alterations at this point , Im all ears fellas !

Not asure what to do about plants yet im thinking I might do a HC only scape if I can get the rock placement right.
Im also thinking about some nice layered moss but this is not such a fast scape.

From what I've read from various articles an odd number of stones is the done thing but hey rules are there to be broken, I think you can get away with an even number as long as the placement is right, but hey, I'm a complete noob so don't take my word for it 😉 :lol:

Looking really good though so far mate, keep it up 8)

Regards Wayne,
Number 2 for me as well I prefer the flow of it.
In the first scape that middle rock is just too prominent and draws the eye towards it rather than into the gap it creates.
I would add some more smaller rocks to see how that works for you as the first layouts smaller rocks in the right side I feel work brilliantly.
Whats with Iwagumi?? 😛 plants and more plants is so much fun 😛
Looking great mate, love the dragon stone 🙂
What you going to use for carpet?
saintly said:
arghhh, i wanted to do that signature thing too. you beat me to it. oh well.


lol I must get out of the house more 😀

Ok so here goes scape no 3.
Is this more like Iwagumi??


you know ive looked at soooo many aquascapes in pictures that I find it easier to judge my own scapes in photo than real life!! Just looking at this pic in this post im thinking 'that right hand rock is too big, maybe if i tilt it a bit more and possibly move it to the left away from the glass a bit?

Ahhhggggrrrr I might just go buy a hamster instead :lol:

Edit - Im thinking I prefered it the way it was
Calum said:
Whats the space like in the cabinet planter? Would it be possible for a photo of the inside?

cabinet space is limited mate ... I havent installed the filter etc yet so im not sure if a pic will help, The Co2 bottle (2kg) will definatley have to go outside on this one. I want an ADA cab but they are a bit rich for me and knowing me ill spend the money on the components to build one and Muff it up. let me see if I can post you a pic ....

edit -

here you go
(Obviously the shelves do come out)

Well im back to where I started pretty much having decided against the Sanzon Iwagumi (3 tower/pillar rock formation).
It lacked interest IMO and I feel the 5 stones really help to lengthen the tank.
So I am back to 5 stones (Gozon?) and although the scape looks much the same Ive taken onto account what you said George about imagining it once the plants grow. Ive adjusted the substrate to account for the depth of the carpeting foreground plants so as not to hide the front smaller stones as the plants grow (hopefully). As a result the 3 front stones look a little large until the carpet thickens.


Next stage is the planting .... I have to strip down a tank in order to house this new one so I will be filliing it with that water and installing the established filter. HC will come from the same tank. Ive never transfered HC in this fashion but read Dans comment in an earlier post about just replanting the trimmings? Fingers crossed 😀

Comments always welcome.
planter said:
Ive never transfered HC in this fashion but read Dans comment in an earlier post about just replanting the trimmings? Fingers crossed 😀

ive just re planted some hc from the henge to my holding tank and its took off magically.

your rock arranging is great planter.
