Hello everyone, I'm Andras Tundik from the Hungarian Aquascaping Forum. Even though I have registered to UKAPS months ago and have read quite a bit of the posts and topics here, this is my first post. On the Hungarian forum, I'm running quite a few journals, since I have a number of emersed and submersed projects going on at the same time.
I wouldn't have the capacity to run separate journals here as well, next to the Hungarian ones, thus I'll try and run one journal here in which I will include most works. I am aware that squeezing many different projects into a single journal is usually not a good idea, however I would really like to share my scapes with you guys, and this is the only feasible way I can find. My apologies in advance. Hopefully the precious moderators will not have any problems with this 😉
Let's jump into it! Ill try in chronological order.
My first aquascape 2 years ago, was a quasi Dutch style 96l tank.

Lighting: 4x24W T5 HO 6500K tubes, 8h/day
Filtration: canister filters: 1x Eheim Professionel 3 2071, 950l/h and 1x Sachem Marathon 600l/h
CO2: Pressurized system with glass diffuser
Substrate: not so fine sand
Ferts: GreenAqua Micro + Macro according to EI, EasyCarbo
Water change: 50% weekly, tap water (in Hungary tap water is unfortunately veeeeery hard)
Flora: heteranthera zosterifolia, ludwigia repens, cryptocoryne beckettii, cryptocoryne willisii, hemianthus micranthemoides, bolbitis heudelotii, sagittaria teres, hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Fauna: Paracheirodon innesi, Neocaridina heteropoda sp. Red Cherry, Clithon snails
Then I have set up a 49 liter Nature Aquarium about a year ago.

Through time it changed shape a bit, and currently looks something close to this pic, sent in for the 2011 AGA Contest

Lighting: 2x26W PowerCompact 6500K tubes and 1x18W PC, 10h/day
Filtration: Eheim Professionel 2 2026, 950l/h
CO2: Pressurized system with glass diffuser
Substrate: JBL AquabasisPlus and JBL Manado
Ferts: GreenAqua Micro + Macro according to EI, EasyCarbo (recently stopped with EasyCarbo for the benefit of my tiger shrimp)
Water change: 50% weekly, full RO
Current flora: eleocharis parvula, cryptocoryne wendtii, hydrocotyle vulgaris, hemianthus micranthemoides, anubias barteri var. nana, microsorum pteropus, echinodorus tenellus, pogostemon helferi, marsilea hirsuta, rotala sp green, vesicularia montagnei
Current fauna: Danio margaritatus, caridina multidentata, caridina cantonensis sp. "Tiger", Clithon snails
Then, about 9 months ago followed a complete clean-out and rescape of the 96l tank. The new, 1 day old aquarium.

The current state, and the AGA 2011 picture.

Lighting: 4x24W T5 HO 6500K tubes, 10h/day
Filtration: canister filters: 1x Eheim Professionel 3 2071, 950l/h and 1x Sachem Marathon 600l/h
CO2: Pressurized system with glass diffuser
Substrate: ADA PowerSand and ADA Aquasoil Amazonia
Ferts: GreenAqua Micro + Macro according to EI, EasyCarbo
Water change: 50% weekly, 1 part tap water to 4 part RO water
Flora: rotala sp. green, ludwigia arcuata, lindernia rotundifolia, cryptocoryne beckettii, bolbitis heudelotii, glossostigma elatinoides, hemianthus callitrichoides, echinodorus tenellus, staurogyne repens, microsorum pteropus 'narrow', anubias barteri var. nana, anubias barteri var. coffeefolia, fissidens fontanus, vesicularia dubyana
Fauna: paracheirodon innesi, neocaridina heteropoda sp. Red Cherry, caridina multidentata, Neritina snails
Right after the rescape, I became very interested in emersed aquascaping and the concept of Wabi Kusa. I made several Wabis ever since. This first pic was taken at Terra Plaza, an aquarium, terrarium, paludarium event and sale in Hungary. I was asked by viktorlantos, member of this forum and one of the founders of the Hungarian forum and GreenAqua Co. to take it there and display it next to the amazing aquascapes of the company and other pros. It was a great honor to me 🙂

Same "dish" with the addition of ludwigia peruensis at the back.

emersss-16 by András Tündik, on Flickr
Other Wabis.

Unfinished, HC needs to grow in the front.

emersss-5 by András Tündik, on Flickr
And my most recent passion, an emersed Iwagumi project. I do not intend to fill the tank up with water.

waaaaabi-2 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-7 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-9 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-11 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-13 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-14 by András Tündik, on Flickr
Tank is about 20l. Hardcape is Seiryu stones. Substrate, ADA Amazonia. I sometimes water with aquarium water, and spray regularly with RO water. Still needs to grow in at places. However this has all grown in 21 days, quite fast paced I must say!

timelapse by András Tündik, on Flickr
Well thats all I have for now. I hope some of you will enjoy these pics.
I'll try my best to update if there's anything new with... well, anything 😛
Hello everyone, I'm Andras Tundik from the Hungarian Aquascaping Forum. Even though I have registered to UKAPS months ago and have read quite a bit of the posts and topics here, this is my first post. On the Hungarian forum, I'm running quite a few journals, since I have a number of emersed and submersed projects going on at the same time.
I wouldn't have the capacity to run separate journals here as well, next to the Hungarian ones, thus I'll try and run one journal here in which I will include most works. I am aware that squeezing many different projects into a single journal is usually not a good idea, however I would really like to share my scapes with you guys, and this is the only feasible way I can find. My apologies in advance. Hopefully the precious moderators will not have any problems with this 😉
Let's jump into it! Ill try in chronological order.
My first aquascape 2 years ago, was a quasi Dutch style 96l tank.

Lighting: 4x24W T5 HO 6500K tubes, 8h/day
Filtration: canister filters: 1x Eheim Professionel 3 2071, 950l/h and 1x Sachem Marathon 600l/h
CO2: Pressurized system with glass diffuser
Substrate: not so fine sand
Ferts: GreenAqua Micro + Macro according to EI, EasyCarbo
Water change: 50% weekly, tap water (in Hungary tap water is unfortunately veeeeery hard)
Flora: heteranthera zosterifolia, ludwigia repens, cryptocoryne beckettii, cryptocoryne willisii, hemianthus micranthemoides, bolbitis heudelotii, sagittaria teres, hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Fauna: Paracheirodon innesi, Neocaridina heteropoda sp. Red Cherry, Clithon snails
Then I have set up a 49 liter Nature Aquarium about a year ago.

Through time it changed shape a bit, and currently looks something close to this pic, sent in for the 2011 AGA Contest

Lighting: 2x26W PowerCompact 6500K tubes and 1x18W PC, 10h/day
Filtration: Eheim Professionel 2 2026, 950l/h
CO2: Pressurized system with glass diffuser
Substrate: JBL AquabasisPlus and JBL Manado
Ferts: GreenAqua Micro + Macro according to EI, EasyCarbo (recently stopped with EasyCarbo for the benefit of my tiger shrimp)
Water change: 50% weekly, full RO
Current flora: eleocharis parvula, cryptocoryne wendtii, hydrocotyle vulgaris, hemianthus micranthemoides, anubias barteri var. nana, microsorum pteropus, echinodorus tenellus, pogostemon helferi, marsilea hirsuta, rotala sp green, vesicularia montagnei
Current fauna: Danio margaritatus, caridina multidentata, caridina cantonensis sp. "Tiger", Clithon snails
Then, about 9 months ago followed a complete clean-out and rescape of the 96l tank. The new, 1 day old aquarium.

The current state, and the AGA 2011 picture.

Lighting: 4x24W T5 HO 6500K tubes, 10h/day
Filtration: canister filters: 1x Eheim Professionel 3 2071, 950l/h and 1x Sachem Marathon 600l/h
CO2: Pressurized system with glass diffuser
Substrate: ADA PowerSand and ADA Aquasoil Amazonia
Ferts: GreenAqua Micro + Macro according to EI, EasyCarbo
Water change: 50% weekly, 1 part tap water to 4 part RO water
Flora: rotala sp. green, ludwigia arcuata, lindernia rotundifolia, cryptocoryne beckettii, bolbitis heudelotii, glossostigma elatinoides, hemianthus callitrichoides, echinodorus tenellus, staurogyne repens, microsorum pteropus 'narrow', anubias barteri var. nana, anubias barteri var. coffeefolia, fissidens fontanus, vesicularia dubyana
Fauna: paracheirodon innesi, neocaridina heteropoda sp. Red Cherry, caridina multidentata, Neritina snails
Right after the rescape, I became very interested in emersed aquascaping and the concept of Wabi Kusa. I made several Wabis ever since. This first pic was taken at Terra Plaza, an aquarium, terrarium, paludarium event and sale in Hungary. I was asked by viktorlantos, member of this forum and one of the founders of the Hungarian forum and GreenAqua Co. to take it there and display it next to the amazing aquascapes of the company and other pros. It was a great honor to me 🙂

Same "dish" with the addition of ludwigia peruensis at the back.

emersss-16 by András Tündik, on Flickr
Other Wabis.

Unfinished, HC needs to grow in the front.

emersss-5 by András Tündik, on Flickr
And my most recent passion, an emersed Iwagumi project. I do not intend to fill the tank up with water.

waaaaabi-2 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-7 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-9 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-11 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-13 by András Tündik, on Flickr

waaaaabi-14 by András Tündik, on Flickr
Tank is about 20l. Hardcape is Seiryu stones. Substrate, ADA Amazonia. I sometimes water with aquarium water, and spray regularly with RO water. Still needs to grow in at places. However this has all grown in 21 days, quite fast paced I must say!

timelapse by András Tündik, on Flickr
Well thats all I have for now. I hope some of you will enjoy these pics.
I'll try my best to update if there's anything new with... well, anything 😛