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Hare Hill - Reborn


25 Jan 2009
So here it begins...

Not far ago, I got from ebay, really cheap, small Boyu nano, which I was planning for a small nano scape. The trouble was, that I was torn between the possibility of having a low tech scape or a CRS tank...

After some consideration I have ordered these bits and they arrived few days ago 😀 :

Shirakura red bee sand

and this:

Mironekuton Deep sea minerals and Mironekuton Special shrimp food.

So the choice was made 😀 it would be a CRS unhabited aquascape.

At first glance the Shirakura Red Bee Sand looks very nice - black in colour, grain size 2-3 mm /which makes it perfect for this size of tank/ and is specially developed for shrimps. The only downside with using it in aquascape with plants is that it has no nutrient load, what so ever, but I think I can go over this by water colomn fertilization..

It was a bit early for the food order, but I was paying the transport any way.

The tank parameters are:
34x26x23 Boyu tank with lid and modified by me ligthing - the original 12 W Boyu ligthing was not working, so I installed a new Energy saving bulb 6500K
Bouy Top filter 300 l/h

So now I'm about to start with the hardscaping...
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project


I like it alot
Hahaha there's not even a dry layout or anything and I'm excited about this one.
What are the minerals all about? I love the bottle haha, I'm sure it'll get stick as being some snake oil product but i love all these little things it makes it fun ahahahaha sounds so stupid I know!
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

Hah, cheers mate!

I like the minerals too, havent tried them how they taste though :lol: It is claimed to be a deep sea minerals, containing all the minerals needed to the CRS and other crustances to wellbeing in the tank, aslo promote the bacterial colonisation of the filter and the substrate. I'm adding some of them into the substrate and then regularly on WC.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

Hahah if you eat them you going to get red and White stripes hah 😀

Wheee did you pick the stuff up from?
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

nayr88 said:
Hahah if you eat them you going to get red and White stripes hah 😀

Wheee did you pick the stuff up from?

Well that is the reason I hesitate trying it 😀

I order it directly from Germany, as it is not available on these latitudes 😀

Jim said:
Very different products from the "norm".
Will follow this with interest.

(Love the bottle with the cork!)

Yep, I love the challenges, I hope it will turn up well!

I have got a wonderfull piece of wood - curtousy of Mark, which perfectly fits the tank!Thanks for that!

I will get some more pics of the hardscaping later on!
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

Yeah it's always good to change things up ad have a different approach or just use things out norm, well norm for our forum anyways.

Could you share the website, always good to deal with companies that someone else has had a good experience with.

Aquasabu probably do it, I'm going to check there site out now.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

So here are the first few steps in the hardscaping:

I have covered the bottom of the tank with a thin layer of Shirakura red bee sand:


Then I opened the fency bottle with the Mironekuton minerals :geek:

Have a litle of it over the substrate:


Just to cover the bottom:


Then top it up with more substrate:


The piece of Manzi, just fit in the tank and after running all the available options/without cutting/ I came up with this possitioning:


Now the hardest part.... stone arrangement :shock:
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

This is what I came up for the stone arrangement...


The name derives from a small peak near my home town.

It was a bit tricky with the branch reaching for the rigth corner of tank, as it is too close to the front glass... I think this stone arrangement is creating a bit of depth, but will apreciate your opinions on that!
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

Pictures 😀

Wood and layout look spot on, if you remove the wood and did a hc carpet all over that tank would look mammoth!!
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

that looks lovely Antoni!

The stone arrangement works for me, really well done. I shall be following this one.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

Love the look of your hardscape , waiting with baited breath to see what plant`s you choose.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

nayr88 said:
Pictures 😀

Wood and layout look spot on, if you remove the wood and did a hc carpet all over that tank would look mammoth!!

Cheers, mate! the tank will be low tech, without CO2, just liquid carbon, so I dont think the HC will feel comfortable, besides I like the wood a lot 🙂

ianho said:
that looks lovely Antoni!

The stone arrangement works for me, really well done. I shall be following this one.
Burnleygaz said:
Love the look of your hardscape , waiting with baited breath to see what plant`s you choose.

Cheers, guys!

The trouble with the plant choice is that I cant decide what to use for carpet. I need very small and fine plant, to not overtake the hardscape - bearing in mind the small size of the tank and no CO2 too :shifty:
Maybe Ricardia Chamedryfolia /mini pelia/ if I can find some or mini star moss Hyophila involuta.
Never growed any of those but looks like nice mossess.
One other option would be some riccia, but it tends to flow up, when grows, so maybe wouldnt be a good solution.
Then arround the stones will add some Hydrocotyle sp. Japan
Some moss on the driftwood - weeping or Fissidens fontanus...

Apart of the carpeting dilema, I have other one too :lol: , what to cover the right back corner of the tank with.. I'm a bit enticed to have a larger plant like Anubias Bonsai attached to the wood near the front glass/right corner/ and mix of Hydrocotile, and echinodurus tenelus on the back to create kind of a depth 🙄

Still banging my head in the wall over that bit....
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

looking good so far will keep my eye on this thread.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project - the plant chpoice

There is not much development since my last post, but I think I made up my head for the plant list.

Just ordered some Anubias nana Petite from the AquaMagic - which should arrive in 2 weeks, I hope.

After a lot of reading about all the different kind of mosses, I think I will stick with the Weeping moss on the wood, Java moss as a carpet and some flame moss in the back, between stones.

By the way, do you know, where in the UK I can buy some Ricardia Chamedryfolia/mini pelia/? If I find some, it can be a nice addition of texture to the scape.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

It seems you've got the planting about right mate.

Stay away from riccia though.

Moss in the foreground will be great. Give me a shout if you want some still?

Hydrocotyle sp. japan, is great. If you need some uber fresh stuff, again, let me know :thumbup:

Either parvula or acciularis would be dreamy in the back, you'd need very little for a good effect.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project - the plant chpoice

Antoni said:
By the way, do you know, where in the UK I can buy some Ricardia Chamedryfolia/mini pelia/? If I find some, it can be a nice addition of texture to the scape.

If you look at the For sale section someone is selling round pellia.
I think its Matt.
Re: Hare Hill - the shrimp-scape project

Mark Evans said:
It seems you've got the planting about right mate.

Stay away from riccia though.

Moss in the foreground will be great. Give me a shout if you want some still?

Hydrocotyle sp. japan, is great. If you need some uber fresh stuff, again, let me know :thumbup:

Either parvula or acciularis would be dreamy in the back, you'd need very little for a good effect.

Thanks my friend!
As I will be using some Easy carbo, I will skip the riccia for sure. I will most likely need some more moss.. wil pm you! 🙂

If you look at the For sale section someone is selling round pellia.
I think its Matt.

Thanks Hoggie, but I think he is selling lomariopsis lineata (round pellia) - which I reckon has larger leaves and will not be suitable for small nano, or maybe I'm wrong?!