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90x45x45cm - 2011 IAPLC entry #577 - The Unknown Valley

Stu Worrall

7 Sep 2008
Flintshire, North Wales
Llyn Peninsula (below) was stripped down this week with much regret but I wanted to have a go of using the black lava rock I picked up from a local quarry a while back.

90x45x45cm ADA Entry 2010 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr

This is what ive been working on for the last few days.

Lots of prep involved with removing the old plants and shrimps from the old tank and ive currently got the filter running through a big blue bucket next to the tank.

Currently im adding some detail rockwork to the sand to blend the big rocks to the base. I may start planting tonight but im not entirely sure yet 🙂

At present "The Unknown" as I dont know what to call it!


Hardscape: Black Lava Rock
Co2: Pressurised via Sera vortex
Lighting: ADA Solar 1 - 150w NA Green
Filtration: Tetratec EX1200
Heating: Hydor 300W External heater
Substrate: ADA Nile Sand with ADA Amazonia with the lava.
Ferts per day:
Critters: Red Cherry Shrimp
plants to include - Ferns, tennelus, hairgrass, fissidens, mosses

Final photo for IAPLC 2011

#577 - The Unknown Valley

The Unknown Valley Stu Worrall - 90x45x45c IAPLC 2011 - #577 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Looking good i really like the rockwork it Reminds me of the beach cliffs. Cant wait to see it planted!
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Reminds me of a reef! It's going to look brilliant I'm sure, nothing but slow growers?
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Great hardscape. Another mountain scape? They are very popular atm and rightfully so. They are so beautiful if executed well. Tempted to see it planted. :thumbup:
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Krish's Bettas said:
Looking good i really like the rockwork it Reminds me of the beach cliffs. Cant wait to see it planted!
Piece-of-fish said:
Great hardscape. Another mountain scape? They are very popular atm and rightfully so. They are so beautiful if executed well. Tempted to see it planted. :thumbup:
thanks both, as krish sys it will hopefully be more of a cliff scape than a mountain due to the plants in putting in
Garuf said:
Reminds me of a reef! It's going to look brilliant I'm sure, nothing but slow growers?
cheers garuf. just slow growers for now apart from the tennelus. i may add some HC in the craggs when i get hold of some
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Superb hardscape, Stu!

I don't think I've seen black lava used like this before, so kudos for breaking new ground too. :thumbup:

The new Hygrophila pinnatifida might work well, as it grows attached to decor effectively and provides an interesting colour and texture when compare to the usual ferns and mosses.
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

cheers George, the black lava is soemthing Ive wanted to try for a while but I could have done with more. I cleaned the quarry basket out as a landscaper had taken most of their supply 🙁

Good idea with the Hygrophila pinnatifida. Can you get it to grow low though as most scapes ive seen with it in it tries to get quite vertical?
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

stuworrall said:
Good idea with the Hygrophila pinnatifida. Can you get it to grow low though as most scapes ive seen with it in it tries to get quite vertical?

I have tried this plant Stu, with no success. It would show lots of growth, but just dissolve away. I blame my uber soft water, but maybe you will have more success.

I believe pinching out new growth can keep it low.

Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

stuworrall said:
Good idea with the Hygrophila pinnatifida. Can you get it to grow low though as most scapes ive seen with it in it tries to get quite vertical?
Good light, required associated CO2 and other nutrients, and keeping it pruned back should help keep it nice and compact. I think its unique texture colour will go really well with the rock.

Dave's a good point with very soft water. I've had success, but my water is hard. I'm not sure what your water is like?

EI dosing with additional Mg and Ca (GH booster) may be in order.

Good luck mate. This has the potential to be a real refreshing and stunning 'scape. :thumbup:
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Interesting rock work, will see how you work out the planting, it is going to be a challenge, when I first saw it I did think your were moving to marines! lol
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

cheers all 🙂

Ive finally planted up tonight. Spent aaagggggeeesss wrapping some ada moss stones with xmas moss, fissidens and some moss i got off tony which I forget what it was :0

The moss stones have been stragegically placed in nooks and crannies and outcrops but it will be a few months before they look good.

Lots of ferns tied with stones have been planted. windolev, i think java and the mini one we got from holland (Greame I owe you some of this as it recovered in my spare tank :thumbup: )

Also popped tennelus in the back right corner with a few sprigs dotted around, hairgrass in a few places and my only plant purchase, some anubias ranunculus papulentus from TGM. I was really impressed with how well its kept in the gel and got loads of small plantlets from it.

crappy merged shot of the planting starting from above (You wont see the bright red lava rock from the front. its there to make height)

Most of the planting done
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Krish's Bettas said:
Lookd brilliant. I cant wait to sell it filled up?
im afraid you cant sell it, its mine! 🙂

It got filled late last night and the filter will be hopefully changed over tonight so pics after its settled 🙂
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Tony Swinney said:
stuworrall said:
some moss i got off tony which I forget what it was :0

IT was Taiwan Moss 😉 Looks great Stu, cant wait to see it filled up 🙂

aha! cheers tony 🙂
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

looks very good Stu,nice to see something with a different stone,the plant list looks interesting but i agree with george,i think the new hygro pinatifida would work well,but your choice mate,
regards john.
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

thanks all. well I got it planted. Unfortunately while cleaning my filter and the sera co2 reactor the co2 hose nipple snapped off whilst i was doing my best to be very careful so thats now as useful as a chocolate fireguard 🙁 Turns out after a bit of internet investigation that its a common fault.

So planted up and back to the glass diffuser for now and the tank is planted with livestock back in it. I could do with maybe a little more of the small ferns but if all goes to plan these will grow out over several months. The front near the snad stil needs a bit more detail work so im going to bash a bit more black lava but the big bag of nile sand did me proud with a bit left over 🙂 Will post up some more detail shots once the water has cleared a bit more.

