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how do I know if a plant requires "root tabs"?


12 Nov 2009
It seems some people place root tabs under some plants. How do I identify plants that requires such?

thank you 🙂
No plants "require" root tabs. Personally, I have never seen the point of them. Either buy a nutrient rich substrate, dose the water column, or do both. Root tabs strike me as an unnecessary hassle, but I have never used them, so maybe others can enlighten you further about them.

"No plants "require" root tabs. Personally, I have never seen the point of them"

Dave is this correct for carpet plants? for example e.parvula or h.callitrichoides needs root tabs after 4-6months of setup or it is not matter?
thank you
I have to disagree here. MY Echinodorus and Crypts have improved a lot since popping a tab underneath.
jym said:
I have to disagree here. MY Echinodorus and Crypts have improved a lot since popping a tab underneath.

The ideal situation is a nutrient rich substrate plus water column nutrients, but Crypts can be grown in sand. The tabs may help, but they are not required.
