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"Lowish Mediumish tech" Aquarium? Oase Highline 400


New Member
14 Mar 2021
Hello everyone,

I have scapped my Highline 400 about 3months ago.
Highline 400.jpg

1. The tech:
2x Biomaster 850 Thermo full Matric and Purigen with orange prefilter foams
2x Oase Classic Daylight LED 15:30 -> 23:00
CO2 injection through Reactor 13 :00 -> 21:00
Auto dosing Chihiros with 10ml a day Seachem Flourish , 15ml a day Excel and 5ml Trace 3 times a week
1 wave maker 2.500l/h working at night time

2. The fish:
2x Ancistrus Super Red
4x Gara Flavatra
10x Corydoras Venezuelanus
15x Blueberry Tetra
12x X-Ray Tetra
9x Bentosi WhiteFin
6x Thorichthys Maculipinnis

3. The plants:
Anubias - Microssorum Pteropus - Bucephalandra - Cryptocoryne Usteriana - Lagandra Meeboldii Red - Helanthium Tenellum Green

4. Water Parameters:
PH: 7
Kh: 4-5
Gh: 6-7
NO3: 0
PO4: above 2mg/l - I need to double check with my fishstore as I'm not dosing PO4 and I have PO4 removal resin in the filter. I'm not overfeeding, sometimes skipping 1day. Weekly WC of 40% with tap water of the same values (TDS 120 tap)

The aquarium was built with the initial plan to have the Thorichthys therefore I couldn't use rich soil since they like to dig here and there. I've had them for 2 weeks (they are about 6cm) and they have not started to dig yet tho.
I used pool filter sand and I added root tabs in the area where the Crypt and Lagandra are planted with some bigger gravel to prevent the fish from digging
I am struggling with bacteria surface film, staghorn algae, a bit of of cyanobacteria.

The fish are doing good and are healthy. The plants however they are struggling a bit. I'm not sure if it's useful to keep the CO2 on or I should be giving more fertiliser for the plants to match the injected CO2? My drop checker shows green when the light comes on.
My concern is: is it possible to run CO2 successfully if you don't combine it with high nutrients level and high light? Also I think that the Matrix is really efficient at removing NO3 from the water when cycled. I also have the Seachem Nitrogen, should I try adding 5ml a day?

For a comparison I previously had a styleline 175 full aquasoil and power sand from ADA and the same LED I have now and it was perfect. Now I don't have Aquasoil and less plants due to the fish selection.
I read from Green Aqua that the surface bio film could come from plants being stressed and releasing protein in the water? I was considering to add a UV filter from Eheim but not sure if it would help with the issues I'm having.. What would you suggest in my situation?
Also, I need to clean the grass every 3-4 days as it's getting this green dust already

For exemple, I'm really inspired by this aquarium and makes me wanna try to disconnect my CO2:

Thank you all for your feedback!


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Your tank looks great
I struggled to grow plants in my large aquarium, it did well for about 6 months to about a year but struggled after that. I was not using co2 injection but I was dosing ferts. I concluded that it was too tall as it is 2 feet tall and has a glass lid. Not enough light reaching the substrate.
The only plant I could grow really well was jungle val... And since the price of electricy went through the roof I have ended up going for a fancy gold fish tank with jungle val growing all over it! And now I have bought a small rimless tank that I'm going to try again and plant up.
I think all tanks will have some sort of algae, the good news is no one else in your house will notice.
My concern is: is it possible to run CO2 successfully if you don't combine it with high nutrients level and high light?
I asked the same question over here

Post in thread 'Your my last hope people!' Your my last hope people!

I currently add CO2 and run a WRGB2 (admittedly only 60%, 6 hours, 2 hour ramp down) with no ferts. I don't like (/don't get around to) having to change large volumes of water, but it sounds like that isn't very sustainable. I'm hoping that I can dose pretty lean, and add root tabs when needed as my epiphytes are all 'easy'. My tank is only 6 months old, new tropica substrate and aquasoil, but also plenty of used soil. So far things seem ok apart from a bit of BBA. Very curious to know how long it will last this way, so getting some floaters for the 'duckweed index'

I'm no pro, but I'd say if you want to disconnect your CO2 then do it . I think most of your plant list will be fine without. Another suggestion for the algae is to get some houseplants pulling out nutrients, but you'd have to get creative around the lid. Hopefully someone else can chip in on whether your dosing levels are ok...
That’s too low. I think you need to add an NPK fertiliser if you’re injecting CO2
PO4: above 2mg/l - I need to double check with my fishstore as I'm not dosing PO4 and I have PO4 removal resin in the filter. I'm not overfeeding, sometimes skipping 1day. Weekly WC of 40% with tap water of the same values (TDS 120 tap)
I’d remove that resin. Your tap water may contain PO4.
Also I think that the Matrix is really efficient at removing NO3 from the water when cycled
I doubt that very much.
. I also have the Seachem Nitrogen, should I try adding 5ml a day?
Yes, as I said above, I’d add an NPK fertiliser.
That tank is looking nice, very jealous! I need to get myself a much larger aquarium!
2x Biomaster 850 Thermo full Matric and Purigen with orange prefilter foams
I doubt that very much.
I would agree with hypnogogia here.
Also, with my calculations by using Matrix, you are probably losing some 60-70% of the capacity of the Biomaster 850's bio-capacity. You will get more media surface area with plain old foam and plastic media.
Hi all,
I have scapped my Highline 400 about 3months ago.
Your tank looks great
It does.
The plants however they are struggling a bit. I'm not sure if it's useful to keep the CO2 on or I should be giving more fertiliser for the plants to match the injected CO2?
If you add CO2 the plants can only make use of the extra CO2 if none of the other <"essential nutrients for plant growth are deficient">.
Also I think that the Matrix is really efficient at removing NO3 from the water when cycled.
It honestly <"won't remove any nitrate (NO3-) at all">, and if it could? You would be <"teetering on the edge of disaster">. I have a bit of a <"problem with Seachem">, they aren't interested in you having a successful aquarium, their only interest is <"in selling you a product">.

Plants are much more efficient at removing nutrients (and particularly nitrogen (N)) than the <"sellers of magic bullets"> want you to think.
PO4: above 2mg/l - I need to double check with my fishstore as I'm not dosing PO4 and I have PO4 removal resin in the filter.
What @hypnogogia says, the resin isn't going to help and may make things worse <"if it really removes all the available PO4--- ions"> from the tank water.
For exemple, I'm really inspired by this aquarium and makes me wanna try to disconnect my CO2:
I don't use CO2 and I use a floating plant as both my nutrient sponge and nutrient level indicator <"What is the “Duckweed Index” all about?">. Because it is a floating plant, it has access to <"atmospheric CO2"> and it is never CO2 limited.
I also have the Seachem Nitrogen, should I try adding 5ml a day?
You can, but it is an expensive option.
Yes, as I said above, I’d add an NPK fertiliser.
So would I, I use a horticultural fertiliser. Have a look at <"Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination">

cheers Darrel