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Houseplants next to aquarium.


26 Dec 2023
Hi all
Looking for some ideas.
Aquarium is in very dark north facing room (gym / spare office so not often used). Been trying a few things to put around it. Must be cat safe.

I had taken a few bits of cast iron plant and put it next to the tank. It’s a low light lover and it typically thrives in the few places I have it. The leaves are going pale so I assume too much light from the tank.

I’m wondering if string of hearts would work based on the cast iron plant complaining of too much light spill.

I have a few other plants I could try, I’m contemplating ivy or money plant, but what do you all think?

Edit: cast iron leaves was a bit pale as was newer growth that I removed but lightened a fair bit over the 9 days next to the tank.


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How about a jewel orchid ludisia discolor, cat safe, likes low light.
Dark purple green leaves with pale veins & tiny white flowers.
Sorry I don't know how to add a link, bit of a luddite!
Thanks for the suggestion! Will keep an eye out for that next trip to the garden centre.
Snake plants and peace lilies work Round my tanks
Pothos of various colours grow well, in and out of tanks, taking cuttings is easy
Philodendron sp might work but tend to be more pricey
Thanks for the suggestions Steve Buce, unfortunately all are toxic to cats.

My house plant selection is pretty limited as my two cats are obsessed with chewing on my plants. Even my prised ones that have bitter spray on them and are positioned out of their easy reach still get chewed up.
Certain ferns like Boston and asparagus, might work and I think they will grow in a tank as well

Prayer plants maybe and the darker version of spider plants grew well next to my tanks
Thanks for the extra suggestions! These aquarium lights are really confusing my green fingers.
Boston fern is a great idea. I will look for one next time I go to the garden centre to try out.
I have a pale spider plant I will try that out.

The cats decimated my prayer plants, I think they hear / notice them move and become interested. Little furry monsters.
There's toothmarks in most of our plants! 🙄
Another safe one is an African violet, you also get the bonus of flowers.
I found spider plants were a bit too tempting with their dangly leaves but at least they grow back quickly!
Thanks for another great suggestion.
You’re right about tempting leaves.
I have an amazing three foot ponytail palm that the monsters keep going for, it seems to be surviving due to quick growth. It’s my favourite houseplant.

Edit: Added a snap of Bob and his little buddy Marge.


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There are safe plant lists around the net
Chameleon keepers are particularly interested in non toxic plants
Worth having a look
Thanks for the tip!
I’m normally quite success with houseplants so the cast iron not working out was a surprise. I’m not used to growing things next to an aquarium light.
The dark room with light spill from the tank light is confusing my instincts.
No problem
I do have a list but it’s not mine (I am on chameleons uk), so cannot post it on an open forum
Should have said
I am happy to provide this pdf to anyone who wants it, just don’t think it’s right to post it on an open forum
Thanks Fredi
The lead for looking into plants used in chameleon tanks been very interesting. Cheers.
veiled chameleons are plant eaters (at times), the rest insectivorous, however the insects can munch on the plants, thus causing the chameleons to ingest noxious substances
Thanks for the suggestions all.

Picked up a new plant… Boston fern.

Also, It’s risky but I moved my spider plant next to the tank. Will see if the cats go for it now it’s accessible for them.

Hoping this layout will shade the cast iron plant and it will recover its dark green.
Ignore the random and ill cared for orchid. It was a gift that lived in a spare bathroom and got forgotten about… it’s just there as a placeholder / reminder for me to find a Jewel Orchid to take its place.
I have mine inside outside and coming out the top of it!

Can see it at the far end by the window, some time before the video!
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I have mine inside outside and coming out the top of it!

Can see it at the far end by the window, some time before the video!

It’s a calm and leafy oasis in the capital city 🙂