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  1. neofy705

    Any advice on how to fix algae and poor growth?

    Hello all, I'm struggling with some type of hair/fuzz algae that seems to be very aggressive in its growth. It attacks new growth within a day even in fast growing stem plants. There's no specific area of algae growth, everything is affected, from the substrate to near the surface. Some plants...
  2. LightingBamboozled

    Alternanthera Reineckii struggling or just settling in?

    About 3 weeks ago I added plants to my tank and cut back the jungle Vallis that was taking over in a bit of a mini rescape. One of the plants was AR. The leaves have been holey/melting since it was added and as soon as it's damaged my Amano's and SFF's are chewing through them. Should I be...
  3. F

    When to prune Alternanthera reineckii ‘pink’

    My 35l tank has been running for a couple of weeks now and the Alternanthera reineckii ‘pink’ is already growing out of the water. I’d read that you shouldn’t prune for a good few weeks to allow the plants to become established, but they’ve doubled in size and have roots growing from most...
  4. Harplow

    My first time

    juwel vision 450 lt planted out November 2014 , took this Jan 2015
  5. J

    No quintaessence.

    Just presenting my new nano tank. Its in growing process. Hopefully I will be updating it as the echinodorus tennellus carpet grows in. http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah5/nanananannanananananan/Mobile Uploads/20141218_120629_zps8c357f2d.jpg By the way, has anyone noticed the echinodorus...