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  1. J

    does anyone have the recipe for the DIY ADA fertilizer?

    as title. Thank you :) ps. searched the forum and net but nothing useful came up. :)
  2. J

    how do I know if a plant requires "root tabs"?

    It seems some people place root tabs under some plants. How do I identify plants that requires such? thank you :)
  3. J

    EI dosing using this "local" trace mix/chelated iron

    1cm3? also I suppose that is 1cm3 for 250L tank? thanks again :)
  4. J

    EI dosing using this "local" trace mix/chelated iron

    Hi Darrel. magnesium main source will be epsom salts. I had a look at theplantedtank.co.uk trace comparison before and 1 thing I noticed is the high level of copper in my blend. also the percentages in theplantedtank are a lot smaller than what is displayed in my box. I suppose I just need to...
  5. J

    EI dosing using this "local" trace mix/chelated iron

    This is the analysis data of the trace mix (as written in the box) in %W/W ----------- sulphur as sulphates: 6.29 calcium as carbonate: 10.00 magnesium as sulphate: 3.62 manganese as sulphate: 2.88 iron as chelate: 2.73 copper as sulphate: 1.25 zinc as sulphate: 1.00 boron as borate: 0.09...
  6. J

    nighttime dosing?

    can you please provide a link? thank you :)
  7. J

    nighttime dosing?

    I am thinking of dosing fertilizer (macro and micro) dry salts at night.
  8. J

    nighttime dosing?

    Just to circumstances beyond my control (it's summer here and it gets really hot some days), I have scheduled lights on at 5am and finishes at around 2pm. I have been reading (particularly theplantedtank.co.uk) and it seems it's advisable to dose just before lights on. But since I will not wake...
  9. J

    so I want to make a 1liter macro fertilizer solution...

    in the end (like last night), I decided to use powder :D thanks everyone for the help :)
  10. J

    so I want to make a 1liter macro fertilizer solution...

    and it should last me for half a year. Can I just add 2mL hydrochloric acid (as mentioned by theplantedtank) so it doesn't "spoil"? or maybe preservative is only required in a trace solution? Thank you :)
  11. J

    help with theplantedtank's EI article and dosing calculator

    okay. I got a better understanding now after reading James' reply. thanks everyone :)
  12. J

    help with theplantedtank's EI article and dosing calculator

    I was reading theplantedtank's EI article and it mentions a solution of 33grams of KNO3 for 250 distilled water. The dosing recommendation is to use 5mL of the solution per 50L of water. so if my tank is 300L, I need to put in 30mL (5mL x (300/50)) of the solution. My confusion lies in the ppm...
  13. J

    how much epsom salts in a solution when using EI?

    I was reading theplantedtank.co.uk and Jame never mentioned how much epson salt is required. I know one of the mods mentioned in the the tutorial but I prefer making a solution just because I believe it's easier to handle. so how much epsom salts is required? I've searched the net and forums...
  14. J

    is PMDD+PO4 a method?

    Thanks Tom for the reply. It doesn't really matter as long as the plants are happy. I was just curious. that's all :) Thanks for the detailed explain. I appreciate it very much :)
  15. J

    is PMDD+PO4 a method?

    But EI is not just a solution I think. there are other procedures involved like massive water changes. So in a sense it's a method. But in PMDD is just a solution much like other ready made solutions out there. how did PMDD become a method? I asked since it's been mentioned several times (even...
  16. J

    is PMDD+PO4 a method?

    I've seen EI and PMDD+PO4 from theplantedtank.co.uk. I've also read EI from this forum. But I'm not really sure PMDD+PO4 is a method along the lines of EI. Because it seems it's more like a fert solution more than anything else. James does say to dose the tank everyday so it's like a method. BUT...
  17. J

    when do you start dosing a newly planted tank with...

    enriched substrate (commercial like ADA, eco-complete and etc and DIY substrates using worm castings and etc)? since the substrate is already enriched with some nutrients, when should I start dosing? thank you