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  1. J

    cladophora in my M hirsuta

    If I do that, the plants won't have any leaves left! :(
  2. J

    cladophora in my M hirsuta

    some pics: http://img714.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=p1100630.jpg I believe these are cladophora based on the pictures I've seen in this website: http://aquariumalgae.blogspot.com/ what are my options? remove the hirsuta and get new plants? I tried using tweezers but I think it's a fruitless task...
  3. J

    plants in a pail for the meantime? Is this okay?

    so I dismantled the tank because of the algae that is starting to grow everywhere. Can I put the plants in a pail? I need to clean the leaves tomorrow because they are full of algae. Thank you :)
  4. J

    marsilea hirsuta: growing upwards?

    Hello. I started planting in my tank 3 Thursday ago. I used Masilea hirsuta as my carpet plant. But it seems the plant is growing upwards. I am not sure if it's transitioning from emerge growth to submerged growth. Maybe it means there's not enough light? thank you
  5. J

    Please help on a new setup

    I changed my lighting schedule. 2.5 hours of T5 only + 3 and 10 minutes hours of halide only (5 minutes overlap on start and finish. I added the overlap because I suppose the halide needs to warm up first) and 2.5 hours again of T5 again. But in saying that, the T5 and halide was NEVER on at the...
  6. J

    Please help on a new setup

    not all of that is turned on though. 1st hour to T5 + 6hrs of halide + 1hr of T5. The halide is about 43cm from the water surface. Should I bring it up?
  7. J

    60 cm - Old fashioned Dutch style scape

    apologies for bringing up an inactive thread but I have a question. cut back = chop off all the leaves? the hirsuta that I have have been grown emersed. It's been planted 2 weeks ago and it showing signs of new growth. Thank you :)
  8. J

    Please help on a new setup

    tank equipment and fertilizing regime is in my sig
  9. J

    Please help on a new setup

    Hello. I started planting around 2 weeks ago. But I'm getting lots of decaying plants and possibly algae. 1. Here are some plants which seems to be very dirty. I'm not sure if these are algae or decaying plants (could be a mixture of both?) how do I clean these? I tried a gravel vacuum pump...
  10. J

    question on water change/top-up and water conditioner

    i think these are better explain using example :) ------------- 1. I decided to do a 50% water change on a 100L tank. Do I add the recommended dosage of water conditioner for 100L or 50L? 2. how about for water top-up? Like due to evaporation, my water level is 1cm (e.g. equates to 20L) less...
  11. J

    algae blooms on a new setup?

    thanks everyone for the help :)
  12. J

    does anyone have the recipe for the DIY ADA fertilizer?

    as title. Thank you :) ps. searched the forum and net but nothing useful came up. :)
  13. J

    algae blooms on a new setup?

    I was reading another forum yesterday and it was mentioned that algae blooms are common in new setups especially those using commercial substrate? Any truth to this? What is its cause? Can it be prevented/minimized? Thank you :)
  14. J

    tips on how to sink a wood trunk

    the trunk is so big I can only fit it in 200+ L bins. :( I was hoping for alternatives to soaking in the possibility that it wouldn't sink after a weeks (or maybe 2) in the bin. :)
  15. J

    tips on how to sink a wood trunk

    hello everyone. I found a pieces of trunk which I believe would make addition for a "flooded plains" type biotope. Anyway, the trunk is quite heavy. I believe it cound be around 15+Kg. The problem is that it would not sink. The trunk is standing up in the tank so I cannot just tie rocks to it...
  16. J

    high pH and KH: what is it effects of CO2 injection?

    I searching the net on the use of dolomite addition on substrate. I kinda like the idea of dolomite because most trace mix doesn't have calcium in it. anyway, I was reading the wikipedia entry for dolomite and a local product description and it seems adding dolomite would increase pH, GH and...
  17. J

    what's the downside to using e. parvula as carpet plant?

    1. needs trimming regularly? (how often in a high-tech tank?) 2. would overrun the tank unless barriers are used? anything else? Thank you
  18. J

    halide lamp: "dimple" is facing towards the water surface or

    or towards the reflector or maybe it doesn't matter? The dimple I'm talking about is the "bump" (on the bottom of the lamp) as seen in this photo. thank you for the help :)
  19. J

    60cm nature scape v2

    it seems this osram lamp has 2 getters instead of the normal 1? thank you :)
  20. J

    when do I replace halide lamps?

    very detailed. thank you very much :)
  21. J

    when do I replace halide lamps?

    I saw a similar thread for T5 but I'm not sure if this is applicable as well to halides. thank you very much :)
  22. J

    Redmoor Root Wood

    in australia, they call these golden vine and I've seen replies from people who said the wood hasn't sunk after months! maybe you can tie lead weights (like those used in fishing)? good luck!
  23. J

    what can I use to support a heavy tank decoration?

    I'm just surprised it's called egg crates but has nothing to do with eggs?
  24. J

    how to remove bark off wood?

    But once that wood stopped leaking tannins, I suppose it's fine to use? the wood is too big (around 70cm in height and 46cm at its widest). It's summer here right now and I'm hoping the hot aussie sun will bake it for me :)
  25. J

    what can I use to support a heavy tank decoration?

    I have never seen those egg crate yet. :( I'll ask the reef aquariums and ask if they sell any. But I'm beginning to think there'll be massive mark-up :(
  26. J

    what can I use to support a heavy tank decoration?

    that's styrofoam! thanks you for sharing your experience :)
  27. J

    what can I use to support a heavy tank decoration?

    egg crate is made out of cardboard? The ones (the call it egg tray and can hold 2 dozen eggs) that I've seen uses cardboard. thanks again
  28. J

    what can I use to support a heavy tank decoration?

    I have a trunk here that's probably around 20Kg. I'm just wondering what can I use inside the tank to the trunk does not damage the bottom plate? maybe styrofoam (the same white packaging material used to protect brand new TVs)? Though I am unsure if these would last submerged in water. thanks...
  29. J

    how to remove bark off wood?

    I found a tree trunk last Thursday and some of the bark is still stuck to the wood. anyway, what's the best way to remove the "fresh" (it seems greenish upon inspection) bark? I'm drying it out in the sun but I'm hoping to try it in the tank sooner rather than later. Would soaking loosen the...
  30. J

    my 1st ever fish tank

    This is of woods (3 pieces altogether) that I found last Wednesday. any thoughts? though to be honest, I'm beginning to like no.2 since it's unique. I've been browsing around photo journals in other forums and the IALPC(spelling?) contest results and it seem "every man and his dog" has a...
  31. J

    my 1st ever fish tank

    do you mean the white pipe? if yes, they came from a hardware/plumbing supplies shop :)
  32. J

    how do I know if a plant requires "root tabs"?

    It seems some people place root tabs under some plants. How do I identify plants that requires such? thank you :)
  33. J

    my 1st ever fish tank

    The tank has been placed on the stand last week and I took this photo. It doesn't looked right. :( When the tank was in the floor, the wood seemed okay then. Anyway, I went out wood hunting earlier today and was able to find a nice single and long piece. It's does not have lots of branches like...
  34. J

    do you aged your water?

    why the whole tank volume? when the water already in there has already been treated? thanks again
  35. J


    has anyone used the chempak trace mix with EI? what's your dosage (in teaspoon/xx liters please)? :) thank you
  36. J

    do you aged your water?

    thank you. just a question again. I suppose that during water changes, the water goes directly into the tank? do I add prime before or prime after putting in water? thanks again :)
  37. J

    do you aged your water?

    it seems some people age their water but then still using prime. if you're going to add prime, why not just put the water straight into the tank? thank you
  38. J

    hiding filter tubing and still get good water circulation?

    excluding glass pipes of course as there's no size for my filter tubing and I do not want to use reducer.:) I want to hide the tubing behind some tall plants (e.g. vallisneria and etc). The intake will be just your normal intake but the outlet will be an elbow bend at the end to "shoot" water...
  39. J

    EI dosing using this "local" trace mix/chelated iron

    1cm3? also I suppose that is 1cm3 for 250L tank? thanks again :)
  40. J

    how to find "dead spot" in my tank?

    great tip! thank you :)
  41. J

    Positioning an even bigger tank...floor ok?

    1500L liter tank + stand + substrate + accessories (filters, co2 tank and etc) would be close to a mazda 6 in weight :) would you park a mazda 6 inside your house by checking a discussion forum? why not ask a pro? it's an expensive mistake if that floor give away :)
  42. J

    can someone kindly explain this water chemical analysis?

    http://www.awqc.com.au/NR/rdonlyres/674 ... a04_09.xls (Happy Valley system) Thank you very much :)
  43. J

    EI dosing using this "local" trace mix/chelated iron

    Hi Darrel. magnesium main source will be epsom salts. I had a look at theplantedtank.co.uk trace comparison before and 1 thing I noticed is the high level of copper in my blend. also the percentages in theplantedtank are a lot smaller than what is displayed in my box. I suppose I just need to...
  44. J

    my 1st ever fish tank

    no plants yet (the place I'm ordering them from is closed til Jan 11). But I have asked the guy who helped me transport the tank to help lift the tank from the floor to the stand. I'm very happy. Very close to planting season now :D I've setup the lighting (measured several times) and the stand...
  45. J

    DIY PWM sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset LED lighting

    amazing fishbeast! I was thinking of building one myself but I just didn't have the time (I have unfinished DIY audio amps gathering dusts :() where did you get the 1W LEDs? thanks for the reply
  46. J

    how do I know if the hanging halide is at the right height?

    The lighting consists of 2x 54W T5 and 2x 150W halide. I searched for some guides/tutorials but can't find any. Can you please help? thank you
  47. J

    EI dosing using this "local" trace mix/chelated iron

    This is the analysis data of the trace mix (as written in the box) in %W/W ----------- sulphur as sulphates: 6.29 calcium as carbonate: 10.00 magnesium as sulphate: 3.62 manganese as sulphate: 2.88 iron as chelate: 2.73 copper as sulphate: 1.25 zinc as sulphate: 1.00 boron as borate: 0.09...
  48. J

    testing my lighting setup using my timer

    thank you :)
  49. J

    nighttime dosing?

    can you please provide a link? thank you :)
  50. J

    how to find "dead spot" in my tank?

    Are there methods I can use to check for dead spots in the water circulation? thank you
  51. J

    nighttime dosing?

    I am thinking of dosing fertilizer (macro and micro) dry salts at night.
  52. J

    nighttime dosing?

    Just to circumstances beyond my control (it's summer here and it gets really hot some days), I have scheduled lights on at 5am and finishes at around 2pm. I have been reading (particularly theplantedtank.co.uk) and it seems it's advisable to dose just before lights on. But since I will not wake...
  53. J

    making a 4dKH solution using a teaspoon?

    yup. I already watching a .01 scale in ebay. just wondering if I should buy it :) ----------- thanks everyone :)
  54. J

    making a 4dKH solution using a teaspoon?

    All I have is a weighing scale (use for measuring a person's weight) so I decided to check out what tutorial is available out there using a teaspoon/tablespoon. I found this site. It says: •Dissolve 1 teaspoon (6 grams) of sodium bi-carb into 1 litre of distilled water. •Take 10mL of this...
  55. J

    when do you turn-on/off the CO2 supply?

    just a question again if you guys don't mind :) would you give the same advice (lights and co2 timing) if it's a newly planted tank?
  56. J

    how is "putting diffuser undeaneath the intake" different...

    maybe? the other member at the top said it only happens on low flowrate filters. that's why I asked :)
  57. J

    my 1st ever fish tank

    I have always been fascinated by the fish and have always wanted a tank of my own. We had a goldfish before which lasted for several months. I even bought a small 2nd-hand tank in the past but it was in poor condition so I wasn't really interested at the time. Anyway, my son has been fascinated...
  58. J

    how is "putting diffuser undeaneath the intake" different...

    I did ask a similar question in the CO2 forum section. But this thread was created in the filters and filtration because it's mostly about effect of CO2 in the filter and not dissolving CO2 completely :)
  59. J

    how is "putting diffuser undeaneath the intake" different...

    from using a reactor? I got this photo from the "higher" tech tank tutorial. The article says this goes against filter makers recommendation? but how is this different from using a reactor? maybe there's no difference as reactors would have similar effect to canisters? thank you for the help :)
  60. J

    Has anyone used Osram 5200K halide bulbs?

    if possible, can you please include a before and after photos in the journal? (by the way, where is your journal?) thank you very much :)
  61. J

    using surface skimmers to increase dissolved oxygen?

    can you please share the link? thank you very much :)
  62. J

    using surface skimmers to increase dissolved oxygen?

    you seemed to throw around the word "we" a lot. I do not think you speak for all the forum members :)
  63. J

    testing my lighting setup using my timer

    My halide has 3 power cords (1 cable each for moonlight, T5HO and halide). I will be connecting the cables to my "timing" powerboard (has 3 sockets and all sockets are digitally controlled). Since it's only a test, the bulbs will only be turned-on for 5 minutes only. The sequence will be: 1. T5...
  64. J

    Has anyone used Osram 5200K halide bulbs?

    These bulbs are available in ebay at a nice price so I'm wondering if it's worth buying. I searched the net and forums but nothing much on this subject. thank you.
  65. J

    using surface skimmers to increase dissolved oxygen?

    has anyone used a surface skimmer to increase dissolved oxygen in a tank? If yes, please share your experiences. thank you
  66. J

    CO2 diffuser with the smallest bubbles

    all I see are red rectangles? :(
  67. J

    partition substrate: what to use?

    thank you. I've seen something similar to lawn edging here. but I believe it's called something else. I'll check it out. :) ------------ fyi: I'm mostly concern with runner plants as my foreground would be slow growing marsilea hirsuta (a native to australia).
  68. J

    question on annual plants

    I have read the entry for "annual plants" in wikipedia. But still have some question if you don't mind :) I suppose the plant (whether submerged or emersed) just slowly dies and needs to be replaced? thank you
  69. J

    partition substrate: what to use?

    I came across threads that talk about the subject but I'm not really sure what is the item. clear acrylic is 1thing I know but what I've seen are quite thick and would not bend at all. people have mentioned rainstrip and other items. maybe you can give links to a photo of the product (or link...
  70. J

    Discus - Tap Water?

    does it have to be oyster shell?
  71. J

    CO2 diffuser with the smallest bubbles

    photo would be good :)
  72. J

    Leaking Azoo CO2 regulator

    I have the same regulator and I just connected it today. The gauge on mine read 1000 and there is no gas escaping via the safety release valve (just tested using soapy water).
  73. J

    'fire the fe": what does it mean? and other questions :)

    thanks everyone :) ------------ fyi: I had to use a nipple fitting (http://www.philmac.com.au/Product/Produ ... aspx?c=325) so I can connect the regulator to the FE. I had to use teflon tape on the fitting (fe-side) to seal it. No tape was required on the regulator-side. :)
  74. J

    'fire the fe": what does it mean? and other questions :)

    thanks for clarification :) I guess I could try without teflon tape and see if there leaks. thank you
  75. J

    'fire the fe": what does it mean? and other questions :)

    do you mean I can reuse whatever teflon that is already there? or completely remove the tape and screw regulator with teflon tape? thanks again
  76. J

    'fire the fe": what does it mean? and other questions :)

    I have been reading the tutorial on using fire extinguishers and I got lost when reading the section on "firing the fe". How do I do this step? searching the forums/net was fruitless. I am assuming that "firing the fe" could be as simple as pressing/squeezing the levers. but since the term...
  77. J

    so I want to make a 1liter macro fertilizer solution...

    in the end (like last night), I decided to use powder :D thanks everyone for the help :)
  78. J

    so I want to make a 1liter macro fertilizer solution...

    and it should last me for half a year. Can I just add 2mL hydrochloric acid (as mentioned by theplantedtank) so it doesn't "spoil"? or maybe preservative is only required in a trace solution? Thank you :)
  79. J

    a tale of 2 driftwood

    the 2nd wood looks recent and I believe it is recently cut down. But the almond branch came from a tree that has been dead for years. Do I need to remove the bark to be sure? thanks again :)
  80. J

    is there any issue if the co2 cylinder is 1.5meters away...

    from the tank? I was initially thinking of placing the aquarium in the middle-right edge of the room. but for me to nail braces to support the hanging light is close to impossible so I decided to place it beside the PC as I can easily install braces this way. I am thinking of hiding of the tank...
  81. J

    a tale of 2 driftwood

    found this one about 500meters from the house. It's almond. I was out with my son in the playground when I came across a huge branch that has fallen/cut down. I was able to bring home this piece. I left another piece there because it won't fit the back seat. :( which one would you...
  82. J

    help on background color on these photos...

    what color is used on the background of these photos? http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c312/bigbanne/ADACollagePeter.jpg http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c312/bigbanne/ADACollage-1.jpg http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/487/weepinghj0.jpg thank you :)
  83. J

    help with theplantedtank's EI article and dosing calculator

    okay. I got a better understanding now after reading James' reply. thanks everyone :)
  84. J

    help with theplantedtank's EI article and dosing calculator

    I was reading theplantedtank's EI article and it mentions a solution of 33grams of KNO3 for 250 distilled water. The dosing recommendation is to use 5mL of the solution per 50L of water. so if my tank is 300L, I need to put in 30mL (5mL x (300/50)) of the solution. My confusion lies in the ppm...
  85. J

    how much epsom salts in a solution when using EI?

    I was reading theplantedtank.co.uk and Jame never mentioned how much epson salt is required. I know one of the mods mentioned in the the tutorial but I prefer making a solution just because I believe it's easier to handle. so how much epsom salts is required? I've searched the net and forums...
  86. J

    wood suitability in an aquarium

    I was with my son playing this morning in the playground and I saw a huge branch has fallen/cut down. I had a look and there are some amazing piece I could get. I went back in the afternoon and was able to bring home a nice piece. I put it in the tank and it looks good. It's much larger to the...
  87. J


    maybe a c02 outflow at both ends will do the trick? I've read that suggestion mentioned in another thread maybe here or in another forum. good luck :)
  88. J

    layout/plant suggestions/recommendations for my planted tank

    you mean both wood are facing the same direction? thanks again :)
  89. J

    Check out my Wood

    I am drooling with envy! :P I am thinking of looking around the river this weekend hoping for a nice find! :D
  90. J

    layout/plant suggestions/recommendations for my planted tank

    The idea is to have all native tank (Aussie natives). It'll be a 2 species tank. about 40 threadfin rainbows + local glass shrimps to do the cleanup duty. here's a photo of how I have placed the driftwood: tank photo Here's a photo of the layout. It's not drawn to scale. The plants will be...
  91. J

    LED lighting using regular LEDS?

    I've seen the same thing on ebay. $199 US for 10 pieces
  92. J

    LED lighting using regular LEDS?

    all the LEDs are super/ultra bright.
  93. J

    LED lighting using regular LEDS?

    I've seen the DIY LED discussion where high power LEDS from CREE were used. But I've recently seen (chinese website) an LED lighting using regular-shaped LEDs (around 300+ LEDs mostly white). The power rating is only 19+W for the 4ft version. Any thoughts on this type of lighting? Do you think...
  94. J

    pros/cons of connecting an inline diffuser/reactor to a...

    maybe the sponsor's advice is wrong? :)
  95. J

    heavily planted tank and using light with halide and T5

    I've been searching again and have come across some nice discussions. It seems some initially run the T5 for say 2 hours. 4hours for halide and then 2 hours again for the T5. Any thoughts on such a setup?