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Recent content by icepotato89

  1. I

    x3 60cm Aquascapes

    floating islands with moss trees and waterfalls flowing on to a moss cactus
  2. I

    x3 60cm Aquascapes

    thank you very much!
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    x3 60cm Aquascapes

    No DSM for these tanks, submerged from the start. Thanks George, aquascaping is pretty small at the moment it's only us and another shop with proper planted displays for the whole state of Victoria. I think in all of Australia there are only about 5 shops that cater to planted tank...
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    x3 60cm Aquascapes

    here are 3 60x45x45 cm scapes from where I work. The left side iwagumi tank was done by Marcus, The right side driwtwood scape was done my me and the middle one will be set up shortly by the boss. All tanks are using: Black Earth Premium "normal" Eheim 2215 Fluval Glo dual T5HO Shared...
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    3240L Nature Aquarium

    Here's the CO2 system. A 22kg cylinder hooked up to a reactor.
  6. I

    60cm Ohko Iwagumi

    Update, the tank has been planted for a bit now. foreground is a HC mini pellia mix and background is eleocharis belem, there's some flame moss on the rocks too. inhabitants at the moment are just some shrimp and 2 ottos, i'm still trying to decide on fish...
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    3240L Nature Aquarium

    thanks guys i'll put up some info and pics about the equipment soon, we're going to be adding a big school of torpedo barbs in shortly
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    3240L Nature Aquarium

    here's an update sorry about the phone pics:
  9. I

    african cichlid scape

    Clients wanted more red
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    AGA 2011 3rd Place 60-120L!! 60cm iwagumi scape

    thanks charlie, yes sand is fine as long as you dose your ferts properly. thanks, yes it is just a hollow bar.
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    60cm Ohko Iwagumi

    thanks Nice, i've been thinking about the plants for a while. Its going to have HC, not sure if i should do all HC or have some glosso coming from the top, following the rocks down (possibly belem HG?). mini pelia is going to be in the scape too where the soil meets the sand to stop it falling...
  12. I

    60cm Ohko Iwagumi

    New house means new tank 60x36x30cm dual t5ho eheim 2217 hydor 200w inline co2 pro compact black earth substrate river sand ohko stone Plant suggestions anyone?
  13. I

    Fluval Edge shop displays

    Fluval Edges and Juwel Vios:
  14. I

    180cm Iwagumi

    Getting there:
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    180cm Iwagumi

    You can buy it at Subscape Aquarium, the shop i work at and where this tank is (if you're in Melbourne, Australia). seiryu stone, mini landscape rock, bonsai rock are other names this type of stone goes by.