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Recent content by Happi

  1. Happi

    Anubias Deficiency ?

    this is not an easy diagnosis because first of all these symptoms can be caused by several factors other than nutrients Deficiencies/Toxicities. you also have to look at other plants as well and see if they are also suffering from similar symptoms. if we were to guess which Deficiency is seen...
  2. Happi

    Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination

    in case if you or anyone else were interested in this one or want to try it. this is almost the clone version of TNC Complete. The main difference in these version is that you do not have to use the Solufeed 2:1:4 Recipe #1 1000 ml, 20 ml per 60 liters 10 ml White Vinegar 0.5 gram potassium...
  3. Happi

    Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination

    looks correct, keep in mind that 20 ml dose per 60 liter will add the following: if you are aiming for lower dose such as 1 ppm N, then you dose 10 ml dose per 60 liter. yes, I do not recommend using RO water, Distilled water is much more pure. when you start working on this, make sure you...
  4. Happi

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    all I know is that if one can control the N, P, Fe level and their ratio's in the water, they can Hinder the growth of the algae. in order for the algae to grow properly it will require all the same nutrient that the plant will require, if you were to reduce P and Fe in the water Colum and...
  5. Happi

    Solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed Sodium Free TEC or Solufeed Coir TEC Combination

    it depends on what you are trying to compare. but it look something like this when compared side by side: Modified Version: add these to Recipe #3 21.62 gram KNO3 15.54 grams K2SO4 Note: Additional Mg is not added in the Modified version when compared to TNC because Mg is usually...
  6. Happi

    Estimative Index, is it still relevant?

    am not quite sure how they came to that conclusion because algae almost require the same nutrients that plant needs. neither plant or algae would care weather the N is from Organic source or Inorganic source. the most common algae found under the EI regime is GSA and GDA, both present under...
  7. Happi

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    then what is it?
  8. Happi

    BBA in CO2 injected tank

    not sure if anyone even try to follow my protocols #6
  9. Happi

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    but your kit contain dry salts. I just want to make sure that I understood this correctly, so you are saying that you find it difficult to use the dry salts? or difficult to make the solution from the dry salts? this hobby is fun but can come up with many challenges, am just trying to save you...
  10. Happi

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    am not sure what is available in your country but here is a good start. the Average numbers: Ca 40.7 Mg 5.7 Na 34.4 Ph 7.8 (looks like I made an error on this earlier, but now corrected) DKH/DGH around 7.0 Average. I would recommend raising the Mg just a little bit more, you can use...
  11. Happi

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    I believe you meant to write N- 25 as 25 ppm NO3. otherwise 25 ppm N would be 110 ppm NO3. judging by the picture, it appear to look like csm+b which I personally consider as a terrible product. ask the seller to verify if this is csm+b. I Would suggest getting a better trace Mix, let me know...
  12. Happi

    micro and macro dosage

    Can you post a closeup pictures of what you are refering to?
  13. Happi

    rotala blood red is blotchy?

    Are you using csm+b ? Anyway, these are classic symptoms of over fertilization and improper dosing.
  14. Happi

    Help with macro solution

    @palcente #1 calcium nitrate (highly react with CO3) Urea Monopotassium phosphate (can cause issues) Magnesium sulphate (source of So4, also react with CO3) potassium carbonate (source of CO3) #2 calcium nitrate (react with SO4) urea Monopotassium phosphate (can cause issues) potassium...
  15. Happi

    Phostrogen DIY

    23.66 gram of this product mixed into 500 ml solution, dosed at 20 ml per 50 gallon (189.27 liter) Fe 0.1 (0.06 ppm DTPA Fe, 0.04 ppm EDDHA Fe) Mg 0.345 Mn 0.015 (bit low for Mn when compared to Fe:Mn ratio) I use mathematic formulas to get these numbers, I may have posted the...